you have to draw a line somewhere
Just to note that on p29 of the paper Guardian, there is someone called "Norman Johnson" who claims to be taking the mantle of Aaro. I think he is taking the piss but I am tired and might be mistaken. In any case, we will not be "watching" him. I can't find him in the online version but if you really want to read it, the column is called "Free Radical" and £1.20 is not really that much to spend given that you get the week's TV programmes thrown in.
It is a parody, but it's hard to tell because it's about as well-argued as the real thing.
It's here; courtesy of HP. They don't think it funny; reading it *after* I know Gene fell for it, I find it hilarious.
Well, I fell for it - I was thinking: 'Why would Rusbridger bother with an Aaronovitch-lite?' [pun intended] Re-reading it, I can see why the Harryettes were pissed [tee hee]
Having read the comments in HP, they can't make up their mind whether to be flattered (thinking they've put the wind up the Guardian) or annoyed (that [a] they've been satirized [b] that they fell for it - and deleted they comments that showed that they did). All together now: 'You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you...'
Again via Harry, the Guardian letters. Keith Flett's letters used to be one of their highlights. Alas, no more.
If you weren't sure that this guy was a parody, this week's column should help, even if he does still sound like NC on a (very) bad day (NC should steal the creeping caliphate of the left while he still can).
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